Wednesday, January 2, 2008


"Looks like Jeff over at NutsOnline may be about to help another effort to bring a show back from cancellation.

Fans of The 4400 — myself among them — were disappointed, although not totally shocked, when we heard the news the other week that the show had been canceled. It had been months, after all, since the season finale aired and still no news on whether there’d be a new season. What were they waiting for?

The mailing date is Jan. 2. The idea is that if all fans send them the same day, there would be a deluge at USA’s HQ. If it works, future dates can be chosen for more letter/sunflower seed barrages."

If you thought it was hard choosing our best episodes, you should've seen how much food the staff threw at each other trying to pick the top television series of 2007. Remind me next time to not order pie.

Anyway, after we all got cleaned up, the SyFy Portal staff got together and chose its top 10 series for 2007.

So here they are, the Top 10 Television Series of 2007:"

1 comment:

LT said...

To be honest I hadn't watched Jericho until I obtained the the DVD series- and I must say that this is a great show! My initial reaction to the plot in the first few episodes was it was a movie turned TV show (I swear this was BEFORE I actually knew it was). But the writers have made it more than a long drawn out movie- they've made it a show worth watching. I am a broadcast and advertising major at Oklahoma State and I was looking for contacts for possible internships. I know you all don't have a guarantee for a third season but I would love to be a part of it, if it's a possibility. I wish the team good luck no matter what and I look forward to the second season in February!