Saturday, July 21, 2007

Jericho's Coalition of the Willing

This is an invitation to all members of all the Jericho forums to participate in the building of a "fan club" as you, the fans, want.

The general concept behind all this is: everyone has a say.

To quickly summarize:

1. Each forum will select 5 members to represent the forum's membership.

Those forums are:

* Jericho Rally Point (JRP)
* Radio Free Jericho (RFJ)
* Nuts For Jericho (NFJ)
* Internet Movie Database (IMDB)

2. At each forum, all questions regarding a fan club will be posted and comments from the members will be collected by the 5 reps of that forum and taken to

3. is a site set up for the 25 reps to meet, post the questions and feedback from the fans and then discuss each question in detail. This will allow the input from all the fans to be heard through their representatives via their messageboards. Obviously, if you are a member of more than one board – you have multiple opportunities to become a board’s representative or just have that many more outlets to make your opinions known.

4. After everyone’s input, and discussion, the reps will vote and the final tally reported. Eventually a board of directors and officers will be selected from the representatives by either the representatives or by the individual board memberships.

5. This process is repeated until all questions from you, the fans, are answered satisfactorily and decided on, a Board of Directors elected and fan club finalized.

The entire purpose of this is to have you, the fans, be a part of a great thing. We all worked together to bring Jericho back, and we can all work together to build a fan club, for and by everyone.

Let's all do our part to make this a success.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Fishing For Jericho Viewers

Someone asked me again last night how to find Nielsen viewers. I replied, as I always do, that we cannot just look for Nielsen viewers because we don't know who they are. This means we have to look for all viewers. Today I'd like to mention one way of finding new viewers.

Go to Google and type in " message boards" Jericho and you will get a list of 372,000. Imagine if we could post on the majority of them and most are related to our Jericho. For example, they're talking Jericho at I know some of those fans can be fanatic about their team so they might give us a try.

There are the usual boards like those at AOL and Yahoo then there's even Jericho talk at the courttv boards. How about a board for Aerosmith fans? Yep, they're talking Jericho too. Here are just a few more:

If you watch any shows on any networks/cable check their message boards. You don't even have to mention Jericho. Use a Jericho avatar or put something about Jericho in your signature. Think about what Jericho is about. Who does it attract?

Try forums about preparedness, survival, nuclear attack. I found some viewers once on a board about Avian Flu. Try boards about the stars themselves. There are lots of celebrity sites. Creativity is the key.

Forget about who might be a Nielsen viewer and concentrate on casting a huge net
to catch all new viewers. There just may be some Nielsen families in that net when you pull it up.

And, when you visit a website or blog to leave a comment there's often a space that asks for your url. If you don't have one why not use the url of your favorite message board about Jericho?

Feel free to send me your ideas.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Helping Jericho In Germany

The ratings for Jericho in Germany are falling. German Rangers need our help. They are especially interested in ideas for gaining new viewers.
Please go to the CBS Jericho board if you have ideas.

"The German TV station Pro7 is putting down Jericho for a break on August the 20nd.

We created a Petition because we know how this goes... so please please help us... that would be really nice. Let Jericho live in Germany!!!"

The Text is saying:

"With this Petition we want to be heard that Jericho goes on without a break. Why isn't taking Pro7 the example from CBS that shows, going into a break causes harm to a great TV show? Its bad to give good TV Shows a break the ratings WILL go down and we wont have ANY WATCHERS in the end! So please help us!!!!!"

There is also a website and newsletter and more information.

Save Jericho again!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jericho and Social Engineering

Here's a little background for this post.

Blogger A wrote a funny post that some Rangers didn't find amusing so they launched a personal attack on her that went on for days. Blogger B comes along and uses Blogger A's post to continue the debacle. Blogger A comments on Blogger B's post that she now hates Jericho because of the attacks on her. Another poster says she won't watch Jericho now either. So, when I found this post today I knew I wanted everybody to read it.

Posted by k4ist/Doobie Nielsen(I have permission to post it here)

" I thought, in light of a spectacular blunder, that some thoughts towards how to tailor our blog comments and responses to mainstream media stories was in order.
Much of this stuff, we regulars here are aware of, but since we've got some new users and viewers coming along, it bears repeating. Everyone feel free to add comments or experiences, or share your knowledge.

First off, I made a statement on a CBS thread that I think is a good overall guideline..."Treat these people like you are trying to borrow money from them". Get it? Pander to their vanities...compliment them on their writings or ideas...if it's a blog, take the time to read some non Jericho related content and get a feel for what this person is all about. Get to know them and their style...picture this person as sitting right in front of you and and tailor your comments to what appears to make them tick. When you've got a good feel for the person...go in for the kill. Pick an aspect of Jericho that you feel will interest them...if we get the slightest bit of interest, the show will do the rest to pull them in.

Same goes for mainstream media...take care not to interfere with a journalists' work. All above applies here with that one big caveat...don't get in the way of this person doing what they do for a living.

On the other boards...encouragement for good ideas...respectful direction for the ideas that aren't so good or need work or are just outright dangerous.

Just some general thoughts to start. I really believe in this social engineering stuff...I've seen it work...I've used it myself to great success, and even though I do have reservations about basically being somewhat deceitful in my actual interest level in the's a tool that we need to embrace and use to it's fullest advantage."

Thanks. I couldn't have said it better.

Promoting Jericho

There has been a lot of discussion today about how to promote Jericho. Instead of a tutorial today I'd like to address some of the issues raised as well as a few ideas.

1. Are we fragmented? To a degree I think we are. Many of our fellow Rangers left us when CBS announced that they were giving us 7 more episodes. Part of the reason may be that they feel we won and there was no more work to do or they may plan to come back when Jericho airs this Fall. It's also summertime and people are enjoying other activities.

2. Since there are fewer of us it will fall on us to make it appear our numbers are larger than they are. We need more people digging and commenting. We need to post on every forum we can find that will let us talk Jericho. The digging and commenting is going much better for now.

3. We're doing great reaching friends and family but as Memles said that's not enough. We need to extend our arms to embrace everybody. This is difficult because in most marketing plans you learn who your target audience is then you direct all activity towards them. We know that our target is everybody and the way you market to a 60 year old likely won't work with a 10 year old.

4. I have two ideas I'd like to pitch because I can't do them alone.
First, I think an e-book that we could give away could be effective. Why? Because some people like the survival nature of Jericho while others are attracted by the characters. An e-book could appeal to a wide audience. There could be survival tips, character and actor bios, maybe some fan fiction. Anything we wanted. It's just not enough to ask people repeadly to watch. We can give them a reason to want to.
I do not have the expertise to make an e-book. HTML and PDF are foreign to me. If some of us got together and combined our skills we could do it. Let me know if you can help.

5. I have all the names of all the blogs that covered us from the beginning. We don't want to overwhelm them so that they just want us to go away but groups of us could split the blogs and make sure they remember we're here. We could send an email saying Comic Con or the convention is coming up and we hope we can count on you for some coverage. Sometimes I make a comment and work Jericho into it. We have to be creative in our approach.

We still need to reach friends and family, pass out flyers, and do everything we've been doing but we also need to reach more and more people. We need those high profile bloggers back. Plus, we need to make the newspapers and magazines report on us again.

I'll look forward to your responses and I'll post again as to how it's going.

Subscribe to the best Jericho newsletter.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

DropJack and Jericho

DropJack is a site much like Digg except you don't have to click on a button like Digg has. I do have a button on this blog but not every blog will have one. You do not have to click on a DropJack button to submit a story or vote on one but you do have to register. This is a good way to take the Google Alert articles about Jericho and submit them for more people to see. It's an easy process.

Anyone can submit news stories, boost (jack it) a story's ranking, drop a story's ranking (drop it) and/or post comments.

After registration you can, if you wish:
Vote on a story
Check your Inbox for messages received.
Review posting history. A member's Profile page has 7 tabs - Personal info, Submitted, Published, Upcoming, Commented, Voted, and Saved - which are fairly self-explanatory but in brief allow you to:

- modify your personal profile
- review a list of your previously submitted news stories
- review a list of your previously published news stories
- check upcoming stories (i.e. submitted but not yet published)
- peruse member comments about stories submitted by you
- review votes cast for your submissions in date order (recent - oldest)
- read news stories you have saved to your member account

View people you have added as friends as well as those who have added you as a friend.

Search the DropJack member base.

Add Friends to your Member Profile simply by clicking on the Posted by "username" link and then the "Add 'username' to my friends" link.

To submit a news story, simply click the "Submit a new story" tab on any DropJack page. Follow the instructions on each succeeding page. Once you have submitted your story, it will appear in the Upcoming News section.

The more Jericho articles we can get posted on here the better. You can use the search to check for articles about Jericho then give them a vote.

Monday, July 16, 2007

MySpace Tutorial

Why should a Jericho fan make a Myspace page? How about the fact that Myspace has 70 million unique visitors a month? Imagine us all working to get even a part of them interested in Jericho. How do you do it?

1. Join

2. You can then edit your profile, add pictures and/or videos, plus you get your own blog. You can use the blog to post a message about Jericho. I am not real savvy about some internet things but it really isn't difficult to get set up here.

3. I am aware that people can pimp their page but I haven't. I don't like it. If you like the pimping just try I've read several articles that say a simple page is best and I agree. Not only does it take cluttered pages longer to load but all that stuff, to me, is distracting.

4. You can add your interests, basic information, song, etc. I've kept mine simple for now. Just make sure to add something about Jericho.

5. To save time I went to groups where you'll find a search box. I typed in Jericho and it pulls up assorted Jericho groups. Click on Join Group. That automatically makes you a member of an extended network. I joined a bunch.
It's not difficult to make a page unless you do all the pimping. Feel free to check my page, add me as a friend, and ask if you have any questions.

6. You can add friends here which means you can browse and click on somebody's picture or the Add as a friend button. People may add you in which case you will get an email to accept or decline.It just takes a little time to explore and see how everything works.

7. Feel free to ask if you need more help.