Sunday, December 9, 2007

Jericho: Rangers On Their Own

Great article from Rich of Copywrite Ink today.

"Getting Wishes: Jericho Rangers"

He also has an interesting comment:

"Its hardly a perfect solution but as a temporary answer, if fans wanted to push a campaign forward ... it would start with Jericho DVDs and iTunes episodes (the pilot, specifically) as gifts, especially tying in the idea of taking each others for granted.

The second phase of the campaign would take place sometime in the second week in Jan., which would likely be a countdown to Jericho, focusing on the divided nation concept (which is much like the producers see it).

They are two separate campaigns.

The fans would also have to pool funds and do something that attracts attention, like purchasing ads in entertainment oriented publications, etc.

It could be done, but it would have be done on fan terms because I think you are your own."

***I think we're on our own too.***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not fair that the fans have to spend more money.
CBS should be the one promoting the show and spending money on it.
They have millions of dollars....I do not.
CBS has a hell of a nerve!